Karate for Kids
A great activity for kids of all ages!

Martial Arts
for Teens
Our Basic classes are built around core Thai Kickboxing skills, taught in a format which even the newest student can follow. Each student is given the space to develop and improve at their own rate, regardless of age or level. You’ll find a comprehensive, moderately-paced warm-up and cardio conditioning protocol in each class, and every lesson has our instructors highlighting key elements of self-defense which anyone can learn.

Martial Arts & Fitness for Adults
MMA: You don’t need to be in shape to get into shape! Our MMA classes are a full-body martial arts workout, where even beginners can burn up to 800 calories in only an hour of training. This program is built on the art of Muay Thai, or Thai Boxing—one of the most effective, efficient methods of self-defense and fitness in the world. Our comprehensive training method uses feet and hands, knees and elbows together for a full-body workout designed to increase speed, flexibility, coordination and endurance.
BJJ: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a dynamic martial art that is constantly evolving. Some call it “The Human Chess Match” due to its many strategies leading to submissions via joint locks or chokeholds. Through our Kore BJJ program designed by Professor Luigi Mondelli, a 5th degree Black Belt in BJJ, you will learn various techniques from Jiu-Jitsu, Judo and Wrestling.

Contact Us
145 Kisco Ave,
Mt. Kisco, New York 10549 - 914-244-0040
- NextLevelMartialArtsNY@gmail.com