About Us
Next Level Martial Arts
Next Level Martial Arts teaches men, women and children how to use the martial arts to feel stronger, healthier and more confident inside a cooperative learning environment. We preserve the traditional self-defense basis of the martial arts while welcoming modern innovations in practice, instruction and leadership. It means each of our students gets a safe classroom in which to learn the martial arts, and a professional level of attention to help them reach their fitness and self-defense goals.
Our martial arts programs are geared not towards tournaments and competition, but rather a learning environment to enrich students regardless of age, natural ability or stage of life. Our dojo seeks to cultivate a cooperative, “Partners Not Opponents” atmosphere for all practitioners.
We believe in treating the martial arts as an art, not a sport. There are no trophies or VIP awards on the walls of our school. Our focus is on our students and to encourage a Black belt lifestyle where any man, woman or child will see growth in every area of their life.
The martial arts are often confused with just a series of physical techniques. At Next Level Martial Arts, the martial arts actually encompass a philosophical attitude and approach to life which gives the practitioner tools for self-defense, physical health and mental discipline.
Today, our students range from police officers and public-school teachers to surgeons, accountants and lawyers. We teach honor-role students and children who have struggled with emotional and behavioral challenges. We make a place for each of them on the mat with us so that they may create a better, more rewarding lifestyle for themselves and others.

Sensei Chris Hall
Sensei Chris Hall is a multi-style Martial Arts athlete who strives on a daily basis to bring out the
best in himself and others!
He is a 5th degree black belt and has been living the Martial Arts lifestyle since he was 10 years old and hasn’t
stopped since! Throughout his 20+ years of training, he has trained thousands of
people, kids and adults, in arts such as Kenpo Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, XMA, and Krav Maga.
"Martial Arts changed my life and I feel blessed everyday to have the opportunity
to do what I love and make a positive impact on my students. When I see a child
make eye contact and stand with confidence and their parents tell me that they are a different kid
because of their training, it is one of the most rewarding feelings. When a
member of the adult class shares their personal victories with me like
weight loss, being in the best shape of their lives, lower blood pressure, increased
levels of confidence, I’m proud and motivated to continue training and coaching
them to accomplish more of their goals. I look forward to continuing the journey
in Martial Arts for myself, my family and my students!"
At our school, we believe attitudes are contagious and being around our friendly,
positive and motivated team will keep you on track with your fitness and wellness
goals! No matter your age or background, we have a program that will work for
you! Start your self-defense and fitness journey with us today!
Contact Us
145 Kisco Ave,
Mt. Kisco, New York 10549 - 914-244-0040
- NextLevelMartialArtsNY@gmail.com